Results from the Quiz
Text Colour Meaning:
- Green: Go ahead
- Yellow: Be cautious
- Red: Stop
Quiz Entries
Check your Address
Before making any property purchase decisions, it’s essential to assess the potential risks associated with the property. We recommend checking for flood and fire damage in the area. Here are some helpful resources:
- Flood Check by API:
- Fire Damage Check by API:
These tools will provide you with valuable information to make an informed decision about your property investment. Stay safe!
Question 1: Property Address:
Question 2: What type of property (lot) are you buying?:
Question 3: What are the total number of lots in the development you are buying into?:
Question 4: How would you classify your property:
Question 5: From the disclosure document find the survey plan page that shows the lot you are intending to purchase, look in the bottom righthand corner of the page and it should identify the type of plan that your lot will be registered under.You should see the word – Standard – Building or Volumetric noted in the bottom right hand corner, which type of lot are you?:
-- Select an Option --
Q5: Standard Response:
Q5: Building Response:
Q5: Volumetric Response:
Question 6: What type of facilities does the development have?:
Q7, What is the total figure proposed for the annual contribution for the Sinking fund (in your disclosure document look for the information in the budget and schedule of levies pages)?:
Q8, . Looking at your schedule of levies page, do your weekly levies include Insurance, or does it mention that weekly levy is “Excluding Insurance”:
Q8 Including Response:
Q8 Excluding Response:
What is the total annual contribution for Insurance?:
Q9, What Module will your Body Corporate be registered as?:
- Select Option Below -
Q9: Standard Response:
Q9: Accommodation Response:
Q9: Commercial Response:
Q10, Does your Body Corporate have a Caretaker Manager?:
Q11: What is the Total annual salary for the Caretaker excluding GST?:
The Caretaker Manager’s annual salary , relative to the number of lots in the development:
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Price for Document Quiz:
$ 47.00
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